Monday, July 21, 2008

Chinese Hospitality

The Chinese redefine hospitality. I have never met a group of more gracious hosts. Leaders, guides, and students are so proud of China and want to make our stay as wonderful as possible. Yesterday, two of my students, Shirley and Carol, took me shopping complete with a bakery stop. They arranged my pick up by another student in Marion's class, who proceeded to take us for an amazing meal cooked by her mother in law. Too delicious for words. As expected, home cooking is decidedly different than restaurant food in China too. The added bonus was that we were presented with bowls of wine that were larger than our bowls for dinner. Great Wall red wine! Good stuff!

Our next pick up was another one of my students, Julia, whose boyfriend proceeded to drive us to his foot massage place. However this time we had someone to translate. No pain. Gentle massage only! Chinese medicine to improve the condition of my stomach (a cup is sprayed with alcohol, lit on fire, and suctioned on the bottom of my feet to suck out the impurity)! An unlimited supply of flower tea, and someone to translate the Chinese show on the big screen tv which is a fixture in all foot massage places. Decadence!

The only thing I find quite disconcerting is the absolute refusal to take money for anything. As if they haven't done enough. Students arrive daily with a steady supply of fruit, tea, cookies, and other goodies. We certainly feel loved and valued.

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